Consciousness and Science with Christof Koch

Consciousness and Science with Christof Koch

Christof Koch was a professor at the California Institute of Technology and the president and chief scientist of the Allen Institute for Brain Science. He is now a meritorious investigator at the Allen Institute and the chief scientist for the Tiny Blue Dot Foundation. He is author of Biophysics of Computation: Information Processing in Single Neurons, The Quest for Consciousness: A Neurobiological Approach, Consciousness: Confessions of a Romantic Reductionist, and The Feeling of Life Itself: Why Consciousness is Widespread but Can’t Be Computed. His newest book is Then I Am Myself the World: What Consciousness is and How to Expand It  His website is

Here he covers a range of issues related to his long-standing, professional interest in mapping the neurological correlates of consciousness. He also relates his own near-death and mystical experiences.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is also the Grand Prize winner of the 2021 Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding the best evidence for survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death.

(Recorded on August 19, 2024)

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Check out the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website at There you will find our searchable database as well as opportunities to shop and to support our video productions – plus, this is where people can subscribe to our FREE, weekly Newsletter and can download a FREE .pdf copy of our quarterly magazine.

Check out New Thinking Allowed’s AI chatbot. You can create a free account at When you enter the space, you will see that our chatbot is one of several you can interact with. While it is still a work in progress, it has been trained on 1,600 NTA transcripts. It can provide intelligent answers about the contents of our interviews. It’s almost like having a conversation with Jeffrey Mishlove.

To order high-quality, printed copies of our quarterly magazine, visit

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, helping to promote the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel on social media, editing and translating videos, creating short video trailers based on our interviews, helping to upgrade our website, or contributing in other ways (we may not even have thought of), please send an email to

To join the NTA Psi Experience Community on Facebook, see

To download and listen to audio versions of the New Thinking Allowed videos, please visit our new podcast at

You can help support our video productions while enjoying a good book. To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death? click on (As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.)

To order New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Russell Targ – Ninety Years of ESP, Remote Viewing, and Timeless Awareness, go to

To order New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: UFOs and UAP – Are We Really Alone?, go to

Download and read Jeffrey Mishlove’s Grand Prize essay in the Bigelow Institute competition, Beyond the Brain: The Survival of Human Consciousness After Permanent Bodily Death, go to 

To order Then I Am Myself the World: What Consciousness Is and How to Expand It by Christof Koch, go to

To order The Feeling of Life Itself: Why Consciousness Is Widespread but Can’t Be Computed by Christof Koch, go to

To order Consciousness: Confessions of a Romantic Reductionist by Christof Koch, go to

To order The Quest for Consciousness: A Neurobiological Approach by Christof Koch, go to

The Journey from Computer to Consciousness with Frederico Faggin

The Journey from Computers to Consciousness with Federico Faggin

Federico Faggin created the self-aligned MOS silicon-gate technology, which made possible memory chips, CCD image sensors, and the microprocessor. He designed the Intel 4004, 8008, and 8080 microprocessors, as well as the Zilog Z80 and Z8 processors. In 2010, he received the 2009 National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the highest honor the United States confers for achievements related to technological progress. He is author of Silicon: From the Invention of the Microprocessor to the New Science of Consciousness, and also Irreducible: Consciousness, Life, Computers, and Human Nature. His website is

Here he describes the arc of his pioneering career as well as the hypotheses he has developed regarding the nature of consciousness and the world of physics and computation.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is also the Grand Prize winner of the 2021 Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding the best evidence for survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death.

(Recorded on August 15, 2024)

For a short video on How to Get the Most From New Thinking Allowed, go to

For a complete, updated list with links to all of our videos, see

Check out the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website at There you will find our incredible, searchable database as well as opportunities to shop and to support our video productions – plus, this is where people can subscribe to our FREE, weekly Newsletter and can download a FREE .pdf copy of our quarterly magazine.

Check out New Thinking Allowed’s AI chatbot. You can create a free account at When you enter the space, you will see that our chatbot is one of several you can interact with. While it is still a work in progress, it has been trained on 1,600 NTA transcripts. It can provide intelligent answers about the contents of our interviews. It’s almost like having a conversation with Jeffrey Mishlove.

To order high-quality, printed copies of our quarterly magazine, visit

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, helping to promote the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel on social media, editing and translating videos, creating short video trailers based on our interviews, helping to upgrade our website, or contributing in other ways (we may not even have thought of), please send an email to

To join the NTA Psi Experience Community on Facebook, see

To download and listen to audio versions of the New Thinking Allowed videos, please visit our new podcast at

You can help support our video productions while enjoying a good book. To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death? click on (As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.)

To order New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Russell Targ – Ninety Years of ESP, Remote Viewing, and Timeless Awareness, go to

To order New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: UFOs and UAP – Are We Really Alone?, go to

Download and read Jeffrey Mishlove’s Grand Prize essay in the Bigelow Institute competition, Beyond the Brain: The Survival of Human Consciousness After Permanent Bodily Death, go to 

To order Silicon: From the Invention of the Microprocessor to the New Science of Consciousness by Federico Faggin, go to

To order Irreducible: Consciousness, Life, Computers, and Human Nature by Federico Faggin, go to

📕 “Irreducible: Consciousness, Life, Computers, and Human Nature” 

📚 Published books and other content

🔬 Consciousness Research Foundation

👋@fedefaggin on X, IG, TikTok, YT @federico.faggin on LinkedIn

The Life and Work of the Korean Poet, Ko Un, with Gary Gach

The Life and Work of the Korean Poet Ko Un with Gary Gach

Gary Gach is an adjunct faculty member at the University of San Francisco. He is author of The Idiot’s Guide to Buddhism as well as Pause, Breathe, Smile – Awakening Mindfulness When Meditation is Not Enough. He is editor of What Book!? Buddha Poems From Beat to Hiphop. He recently served as cotranslator for Hafiz’s Little Book of Life. He is cotranslator of three Korean books of poetry by Ko Un: Flowers of a Moment, Ten Thousand Lives, and Songs for Tomorrow. 

Here he describes his passion for the poetry of Ko Un and other Buddhist poets. He reviews Ko Un’s history in the context of Korean history. And, he describes the recent controversy involving accusations of sexual impropriety against Ko Un.

NOTE: For details regarding the sexual scandal surrounding Ko Un, see

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is also the Grand Prize winner of the 2021 Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding the best evidence for survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death.

(Recorded on August 13, 2024)

For a short video on How to Get the Most From New Thinking Allowed, go to

For a complete, updated list with links to all of our videos, see

Check out the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website at There you will find our incredible, searchable database as well as opportunities to shop and to support our video productions – plus, this is where people can subscribe to our FREE, weekly Newsletter and can download a FREE .pdf copy of our quarterly magazine.

To order high-quality, printed copies of our quarterly magazine:

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, helping to promote the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel on social media, editing and translating videos, creating short video trailers based on our interviews, helping to upgrade our website, or contributing in other ways (we may not even have thought of), please send an email to

To join the NTA Psi Experience Community on Facebook, see

Check out New Thinking Allowed’s AI chatbot. You can create a free account at When you enter the space, you will see that our chatbot is one of several you can interact with. While it is still a work in progress, it has been trained on 1,600 NTA transcripts. It can provide intelligent answers about the contents of our interviews. It’s almost like having a conversation with Jeffrey Mishlove.

To download and listen to audio versions of the New Thinking Allowed videos, please visit our new podcast at

You can help support our video productions while enjoying a good book. To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death? click on (As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.)

To order the second book in the New Thinking Allowed Dialogues series, Russell Targ: Ninety Years of ESP, Remote Viewing, and Timeless Awareness, go to

To order the third New Thinking Allowed Dialogues book, UFOs and UAP: Are We Really Alone?, click on

To order The Idiot’s Guide to Buddhism by Gary Gach, go to

To order Pause, Breathe, Smile – Awakening Mindfulness When Meditation is Not Enough by Gary Gach, go to

To order What Book!? Buddha Poems From Beat to Hiphop, edited by Gary Gach, go to

To order Hafiz’s Little Book of Life, cotranslated by Gary Gach, go to

To order Songs for Tomorrow by Ko Un, cotranslated by Gary Gach, go to

To order Ten Thousand Lives by Ko Un, cotranslated by Gary Gach, to to

To order Flowers of a Moment by Ko Un, cotranslated by Gary Gach, go to

Crop Circles and Earth Frequencies with Rick Leskowitz

Crop Circles and Earth Frequencies with Rick Leskowitz

Eric “Rick” Leskowitz, MD, served as a consultant psychiatrist for over 25 years with the Pain Management Program at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston, where he also founded the Integrative Medicine Task Force. He holds an appointment as a research affiliate with the Osher Institute for Integrative Medicine research at Harvard Medical school. Rick has studied energy healing, meditation, and hypnosis for over 40 years, presenting workshops on the integration of subtle energy techniques and theories with the allopathic medical model. He has written over 50 articles being published in leading scientific journals. He is author of The Mystery of Life Energy: Biofield Healing, Phantom Limbs, Group Energetics, and Gaia Consciousness, The Joy of Sox: Weird Science and the Power of Intention (also a documentary film). He is editor of: Sports, Energy, and Consciousness: Awakening Human Potential through Sport; Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Rehabilitation, and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy: Gateway to Body, Mind, and Spirit. His website is

Rick states that sacred sites in England, including Avebury and Stonehenge, have unique vibrational patterns. This part of the world is well-known for the crop circle phenomenon. He suggests that the crop circles are being created by extraterrestrial intelligences, and that they may be imprinting global consciousness out of conflict toward mystery, awe, and amazement. 

New Thinking Allowed CoHost, Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L, is a licensed occupational therapist, intuitive healer, and health coach based in St. Paul, Minnesota. She is the author of Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance With Relationships, Health, and Spirituality. Her website is

(Recorded on August 8, 2024)

For a short video on How to Get the Most From New Thinking Allowed, go to

Check out our new website for the New Thinking Allowed Foundation at There you will find our incredible, searchable database as well as our new, FREE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE. Also, opportunities to shop and to support our video productions. There, you can also subscribe to our FREE, WEEKLY NEWSLETTER!

For a complete, updated list with links to all of our videos, see

Check out New Thinking Allowed’s AI chatbot. You can create a free account at When you enter the space, you will see that our chatbot is one of several you can interact with. While it is still a work in progress, it has been trained on 1,600 NTA transcripts. It can provide intelligent answers about the contents of our interviews. It’s almost like having a conversation with Jeffrey Mishlove.

To buy a high-quality, printed version of the New Thinking Allowed Magazine, go to

To join the NTA Psi Experience Community on Facebook, see

To download and listen to audio versions of the New Thinking Allowed videos, visit our podcast at

Download and read Jeffrey Mishlove’s Grand Prize essay in the Bigelow Institute competition, Beyond the Brain: The Survival of Human Consciousness After Permanent Bodily Death.

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, helping to promote the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel on social media, editing and translating videos, creating short video trailers based on our interviews, helping to upgrade our website, or contributing in other ways (we may not even have thought of), please send an email to

You can help support our ongoing video productions while enjoying  a good book. To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death? click on (As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.)

To order Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance With Relationships, Health, and Spirituality by Emmy Vadnais, click here:

If you would like to order The Mystery of Life Energy by Eric Leskowitz, go to:

Help Wanted. World Savior. Apply Within. with Alan Cohen

Help Wanted. World Savior. Apply Within. with Alan Cohen

The end of the world is near. That’s the good news. Because It’s pushing a new world to emerge.

Those sentiments have been expressed by Alan Cohen, MA, an inspirational teacher, speaker, and the founder/director of the Foundation for Holistic Life Coaching. He’s the author of 32 popular books, among them bestsellers The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, A Course in Miracles Made Easy, and the award-winning A Deep Breath of Life. His recent books Friends in High Places and his novel Baby Its You— Help Wanted: World Savior. Apply Within venture into the spiritually rich fields of channeling, extraterrestrial visitations, crop circles, and other “high strangeness.” 

New Thinking Allowed Guest Host Christopher Naughton is a former trial attorney and multiple Emmy® Award-winning host of The American Law Journal television program and former host of New World Radio. His website is He is the author of America’s Next Great Awakening: What the Convergence of Mysticism, Religion, Atheism, and Science Means for the Nation. And You. To order, click here:

Naughton is conducting a four-part series One Step Beyond, an exploration into the paranormal and spiritual evolution. The series is in-person and virtual as well as video on demand after each session. For more information go to Naughton’s co-producer and editor is Valerie Jones.

For a short video on How to Get the Most From New Thinking Allowed, go to

For a complete, updated list with links to all of our videos, see

Check out the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website at There you will find our incredible, searchable database as well as opportunities to shop and to support our video productions – plus, this is where people can subscribe to our FREE, weekly Newsletter and can download a FREE .pdf copy of our quarterly magazine. To order high-quality, printed copies of our quarterly magazine go to

Check out New Thinking Allowed’s AI chatbot. You can create a free account at When you enter the space, you will see that our chatbot is one of several you can interact with. While it is still a work in progress, it has been trained on 1,600 NTA transcripts. It can provide intelligent answers about the contents of our interviews. It’s almost like having a conversation with Jeffrey Mishlove.

To join the NTA Psi Experience Community on Facebook, see

To download and listen to audio versions of the New Thinking Allowed videos, please visit our new podcast at

You can help support our video productions while enjoying a good book. To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death? click on (As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases).

To order the second book in the New Thinking Allowed Dialogues series, Russell Targ: Ninety Years of ESP, Remote Viewing, and Timeless Awareness, go to

To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: UFOs and UAP – Are We Really Alone?, go to

To order Alan Cohen’s book “Baby It’s You” go to

To order Alan Cohen’s other books, go to

UFO/UAP Disclosure and Your Right to Know with Daniel Sheehan

UFO/UAP Disclosure and Your Right to Know with Daniel Sheehan

Famed civil rights attorney Daniel Sheehan addresses UFO/UAP disclosure, technology, and biology, and American citizens’ constitutional rights to know. Attorney Sheehan’s deep litigation experience in American constitutional watersheds from Watergate to the Pentagon Papers, the Iran-Contra affair, Karen Silkwood, the Lakota Tribe at Standing Rock and defending Harvard psychiatrist John Mack’s tenure for publishing his book Abduction, provides a unique perspective on the National Security State’s monopoly on UFO/UAP information. His New Paradigm Institute is at the forefront of promoting UFO/UAP disclosure and he reveals why October 18, 2024, will be a turning point in disclosure evolution. For more information, go to

New Thinking Allowed Guest Host Christopher Naughton is a former trial attorney and multiple Emmy® Award-winning host of The American Law Journal television program and former host of New World Radio. His website is He is the author of “America’s Next Great Awakening: What the Convergence of Mysticism, Religion, Atheism, and Science Means for the Nation. And You.” To order, click here:

Naughton is conducting a four-part series One Step Beyond, an exploration into the paranormal and spiritual evolution. The series is in-person and virtual as well as video on demand after each session. For more information go to

 Naughton’s co-producer and editor is Valerie Jones,

For a short video on How to Get the Most From New Thinking Allowed, go to

For a complete, updated list with links to all of our videos, see

Check out the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website at There you will find our incredible, searchable database as well as opportunities to shop and to support our video productions – plus, this is where people can subscribe to our FREE, weekly Newsletter and can download a FREE .pdf copy of our quarterly magazine. To order high-quality, printed copies of our quarterly magazine go to

Check out New Thinking Allowed’s AI chatbot. You can create a free account at When you enter the space, you will see that our chatbot is one of several you can interact with. While it is still a work in progress, it has been trained on 1,600 NTA transcripts. It can provide intelligent answers about the contents of our interviews. It’s almost like having a conversation with Jeffrey Mishlove.

To join the NTA Psi Experience Community on Facebook, see

To download and listen to audio versions of the New Thinking Allowed videos, please visit our new podcast at

You can help support our video productions while enjoying a good book. To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death? click on (As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases).

To order the second book in the New Thinking Allowed Dialogues series, Russell Targ: Ninety Years of ESP, Remote Viewing, and Timeless Awareness, go to

To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: UFOs and UAP – Are We Really Alone?, go to

For more information on the New Paradigm Institute and its grassroots movement for disclosure go to

To order Danny’s book The People’s Advocate: The Life and Legal History of America’s Most Fearless Public Interest Lawyer,  go to

Divine Feminine Power with Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso

Divine Feminine Power with Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso

Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, PhD, holds a doctorate in humanities and master’s degree in philosophy and religion. She has taught courses on the sacred feminine and women’s spiritual leadership at various universities in the San Francisco Bay Area and in the UK.  She is the founder of Seven Sisters Mystery School and a teacher of sacred knowledge and the history of virgin birth. She mentors people on their healing and spiritual paths. She is author of several books including, The Secret Life of Mother Mary: Divine Feminine Power for Personal Healing and Planetary Awakening, The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception: Mary and the Lineage of Virgin Births, Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity, and The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece. Her website is

Marguerite Mary shares how the feminine aspect of God has largely been ignored, denigrated, and  has nearly disappeared in Western culture. Before Christianity Goddess worship was prevalant. She describes how Mother Mary was a spiritual leader, healer, and teacher of Jesus and a large spiritual community. Mary represents divine love, and she can be seen as various figures across cultures, such as Kwan Yin who is a bodhisattva of compassion and mercy.  

New Thinking Allowed CoHost, Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L, is a licensed occupational therapist, intuitive healer, and health coach based in St. Paul, Minnesota. She is the author of Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance With Relationships, Health, and Spirituality. Her website is

(Recorded on August 14, 2024)

For a short video on How to Get the Most From New Thinking Allowed, go to

Check out our new website for the New Thinking Allowed Foundation at There you will find our incredible, searchable database as well as our new, FREE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE. Also, opportunities to shop and to support our video productions. There, you can also subscribe to our FREE, WEEKLY NEWSLETTER!

For a complete, updated list with links to all of our videos, see

Check out New Thinking Allowed’s AI chatbot. You can create a free account at When you enter the space, you will see that our chatbot is one of several you can interact with. While it is still a work in progress, it has been trained on 1,600 NTA transcripts. It can provide intelligent answers about the contents of our interviews. It’s almost like having a conversation with Jeffrey Mishlove.

To buy a high-quality, printed version of the New Thinking Allowed Magazine, go to

To join the NTA Psi Experience Community on Facebook, see

To download and listen to audio versions of the New Thinking Allowed videos, visit our podcast at

Download and read Jeffrey Mishlove’s Grand Prize essay in the Bigelow Institute competition, Beyond the Brain: The Survival of Human Consciousness After Permanent Bodily Death.

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, helping to promote the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel on social media, editing and translating videos, creating short video trailers based on our interviews, helping to upgrade our website, or contributing in other ways (we may not even have thought of), please send an email to

You can help support our ongoing video productions while enjoying  a good book. To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death? click on (As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.)

To order New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Russell Targ – Ninety Years of ESP, Remote Viewing, and Timeless Awareness, go to

To order New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: UFOs and UAP – Are We Really Alone?, go to

To order Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance With Relationships, Health, and Spirituality by Emmy Vadnais, click here:

To order The Secret Life of Mother Mary by Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, go to:

To order Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity by Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, go to

To order The Cult of the Divine Birth in Ancient Greece by Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, go to

Gods, Egregores, and Archetypes with Ronnie Pontiac

Gods, Egregores, and Archetypes with Ronnie Pontiac

Ronnie Pontiac was the personal research assistance for Manly P. Hall at the Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles. He is author of American Metaphysical Religion: Esoteric and Mystical Traditions of the New World. He is coauthor with Tamra Lucid of The Magic of the Orphic Hymns: A New Translation for the Modern Mystic. 

Here he reviews the many interpretations offered by both philosophers and mystics regarding the nature of deities. He relates these to his previous interview in which he discusses the awakening of the ancient Egyptian goddess Sekhmet in the present era.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is also the Grand Prize winner of the 2021 Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding the best evidence for survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death.

(Recorded on August 1, 2024)

For a short video on How to Get the Most From New Thinking Allowed, go to

For a complete, updated list with links to all of our videos, see

Check out the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website at There you will find our incredible, searchable database as well as opportunities to shop and to support our video productions – plus, this is where people can subscribe to our FREE, weekly Newsletter and can download a FREE .pdf copy of our quarterly magazine.

To order high-quality, printed copies of our quarterly magazine:

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, helping to promote the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel on social media, editing and translating videos, creating short video trailers based on our interviews, helping to upgrade our website, or contributing in other ways (we may not even have thought of), please send an email to

To join the NTA Psi Experience Community on Facebook, see

To download and listen to audio versions of the New Thinking Allowed videos, please visit our new podcast at

You can help support our video productions while enjoying a good book. To order American Metaphysical Religion by Ronnie Pontiac, click here: (As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.)

To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death? click on

To order the second book in the New Thinking Allowed Dialogues series, Russell Targ: Ninety Years of ESP, Remote Viewing, and Timeless Awareness, go to

To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: UFOs and UAP – Are We Really Alone?, go to

To order the Magic of the Orphic Hymns by Tamra Lucid and Ronnie Pontiac, go to

The Biological Field with Beverly Rubik

The Biological Field with Beverly Rubik

Beverly Rubik, PhD, a biophysicist, is president and founder of the Institute for Frontier Science in Emeryville, California. She has authored dozens of scientific papers regarding the human biofield, psychotronics, psychic healing and other aspects of cutting-edge science. She is author of Life At The Edge of Science. She is a lead faculty member of the California Institute for Human Science. Her website is 

In this video from 2017, she addresses many aspects of biological energy fields, including electromagnetic and photonic. She also describes a subtle energy detector that she has developed in her laboratory that is capable of registering human emotions, even when shielded from all known forms of electromagnetic or acoustical radiation. She also describes her work with high voltage, digital photography of the corona discharge from human fingertips.

Edited subtitles for this video are available in Russian, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, and Spanish.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is also the Grand Prize winner of the 2021 Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding the best evidence for survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death.

(Recorded on December 15, 2017)

For a short video on How to Get the Most From New Thinking Allowed, go to

For a complete, updated list with links to all of our videos, see

Check out the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website at There you will find our incredible, searchable database as well as opportunities to shop and to support our video productions – plus, this is where people can subscribe to our FREE, weekly Newsletter and can download a FREE .pdf copy of our quarterly magazine.

Check out New Thinking Allowed’s AI chatbot. You can create a free account at When you enter the space, you will see that our chatbot is one of several you can interact with. While it is still a work in progress, it has been trained on 1,600 NTA transcripts. It can provide intelligent answers about the contents of our interviews. It’s almost like having a conversation with Jeffrey Mishlove.

To order high-quality, printed copies of our quarterly magazine:

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, helping to promote the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel on social media, editing and translating videos, creating short video trailers based on our interviews, helping to upgrade our website, or contributing in other ways (we may not even have thought of), please send an email to

To join the NTA Psi Experience Community on Facebook, see

To download and listen to audio versions of the New Thinking Allowed videos, please visit our new podcast at

You can help support our video productions while enjoying a good book. To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death? click on (As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.)

To order New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Russell Targ – Ninety Years of ESP, Remote Viewing, and Timeless Awareness, go to

To order New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: UFOs and UAP – Are We Really Alone?, go to

To order Life at the Edge of Science by Beverly Rubik, go to

An Open-Ended Conversation with Jack Kornfield

An Open-Ended Conversation with Jack Kornfield

Jack Kornfield trained as a Buddhist monk in Thailand, India, and Burma. He holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and is a founding teacher of the Insight Meditation Society in Massachusetts and Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California. He is one of the key teachers to introduce mindfulness practice to the West, has taught internationally since 1974, and is the author of 16 books which have sold 2 million copies.

Jeffrey Mishlove’s previous video interview with Jack Kornfield took place 38 years ago. In this conversation, Jack reflects upon the changes he has seen and experienced over the decades.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is also the Grand Prize winner of the 2021 Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding the best evidence for survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death.

(Recorded on August 31, 2024)

For a short video on How to Get the Most From New Thinking Allowed, go to

For a complete, updated list with links to all of our videos, see

Check out the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website at There you will find our incredible, searchable database as well as opportunities to shop and to support our video productions – plus, this is where people can subscribe to our FREE, weekly Newsletter and can download a FREE .pdf copy of our quarterly magazine.

Check out New Thinking Allowed’s AI chatbot. You can create a free account at When you enter the space, you will see that our chatbot is one of several you can interact with. While it is still a work in progress, it has been trained on 1,600 NTA transcripts. It can provide intelligent answers about the contents of our interviews. It’s almost like having a conversation with Jeffrey Mishlove.

To order high-quality, printed copies of our quarterly magazine:

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, helping to promote the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel on social media, editing and translating videos, creating short video trailers based on our interviews, helping to upgrade our website, or contributing in other ways (we may not even have thought of), please send an email to

To join the NTA Psi Experience Community on Facebook, see

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Download and read Jeffrey Mishlove’s Grand Prize essay in the Bigelow Institute competition, Beyond the Brain: The Survival of Human Consciousness After Permanent Bodily Death, go to 

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To order The Wise Heart by Jack Kornfield, go to

To order After the Ecstasy, The Laundry by Jack Kornfield, go to

To order The Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness, and Peace by Jack Kornfield, go to

To order A Lamp in the Darkness by Jack Kornfield, go to