Induced After-Death Communication with Janice Miner Holden

Induced After-Death Communication with Janice Miner Holden

Janice Miner Holden, EdD, is president of the International Association for Near-Death Studies, a near-death experience & transpersonal researcher, and is the editor of the Journal of Near-Death Studies. She has a doctorate in education and is professor emerita of Counseling at the University of North Texas. Her primary research focus has been counseling implications of near-death experiences, after-death communication, and other transpersonal experiences—those that transcend the usual personal limits of space, time, and identity. In this research area she has over 50 refereed journal publications. She is coauthor of Near-Death Experiences While Drowning: Dying Is Not the End of Consciousness! and Theoretical Models of Counseling and Psychotherapy. She is editor of The Self Does Not Die: Verified Paranormal Phenomena from Near-Death Experiences, and coeditor of Connecting Soul, Spirit, Mind, and Body: A Collection of Spiritual and Religious Perspectives and Practices in Counseling, and The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences: Thirty Years of Investigation. She is coauthor of the research journal article, Comparative Effects of Induced After-Death Communication and Traditional Counselling on Grief. Her website is

Jan explains the concept of Induced After-Death Communication (IADC), a counseling technique designed to help individuals connect with deceased loved ones. She describes original research that she coauthored comparing IADC with traditional grief counseling that demonstrated large statistical and clinical significance with lowering grief among participants. She highlights how experiences with IADC are almost always positive and pleasurable leading to continuing bonds with loved ones. 

Edited subtitles for this video are available in Russian, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, and Spanish.

New Thinking Allowed CoHost, Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L, is an intuitive healer and health coach based in St. Paul, Minnesota. She is the author of Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance With Relationships, Health, and Spirituality. Her website is

(Recorded on December 2, 2024)

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Check out New Thinking Allowed’s AI chatbot. You can create a free account at When you enter the space, you will see that our chatbot is one of several you can interact with. While it is still a work in progress, it has been trained on 1,600 NTA transcripts. It can provide intelligent answers about the contents of our interviews. It’s almost like having a conversation with Jeffrey Mishlove.

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Download and read Jeffrey Mishlove’s Grand Prize essay in the Bigelow Institute competition, Beyond the Brain: The Survival of Human Consciousness After Permanent Bodily Death.

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To order Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance With Relationships, Health, and Spirituality by Emmy Vadnais, click here:

To order New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death? click on

To order Russell Targ: Ninety Years of ESP, Remote Viewing, and Timeless Awareness, go to

To order UFOs and UAP – Are We Really Alone?, go to

Humanity’s Precognition, Climate Change, and the Decline of Democracy with Stephan Schwartz

Humanity’s Precognition, Climate Change, and the Decline of Democracy with Stephan Schwartz

Stephan A. Schwartz is a Distinguished Associated Scholar of the California Institute for Human Science, H is also a columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication in both of which he covers trends that are affecting the future. He is one of the small group that created modern remote viewing, including several now standard protocols. In addition to his non-fiction books and novels, he is the author of more than 250 technical reports, papers, academic book chapters, prefaces, and introductions. He is the recipient of the Parapsychological Association Outstanding Contribution Award, and he was featured in Germany’s OOOM Magazine’s list of 100 Most Inspiring People in the World. His books include The Secret Vaults of Time, Opening to the Infinite, The Alexandria Project, and The Eight Laws of Change. He also edited the volume, Is Consciousness Primary? His websites are,, and

Here he argues that humanity, as a whole, is experiencing a subconscious precognition concerning the massive impact of climate change and species extinction. He maintains that this vague fear of an uncertain future is driving the worldwide trend toward authoritarian regimes. He also claims that there will be a massive disruption of human culture between 2040 and 2045.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is also the Grand Prize winner of the 2021 Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding the best evidence for survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death. He is Co-Director of Parapsychology Education at the California Institute for Human Science.

(Recorded on January 8, 2024)

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Check out the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website at There you will find our incredible, searchable database as well as opportunities to shop and to support our video productions – plus, this is where people can subscribe to our FREE, weekly Newsletter and can download a FREE .pdf copy of our quarterly magazine.

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Check out New Thinking Allowed’s AI chatbot. You can create a free account at When you enter the space, you will see that our chatbot is one of several you can interact with. While it is still a work in progress, it has been trained on 1,600 NTA transcripts. It can provide intelligent answers about the contents of our interviews. It’s almost like having a conversation with Jeffrey Mishlove.

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, helping to promote the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel on social media, editing and translating videos, creating short video trailers based on our interviews, helping to upgrade our website, or contributing in other ways (we may not even have thought of), please send an email to

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To download and listen to audio versions of the New Thinking Allowed videos, please visit our new podcast at

Download and read Jeffrey Mishlove’s Grand Prize essay in the Bigelow Institute competition, Beyond the Brain: The Survival of Human Consciousness After Permanent Bodily Death, go to 

You can help support our video productions while enjoying a good book. To order The Secret Vaults of Time by Stephan Schwartz, click here: (As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.)

To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death? click on

To order the second book in the New Thinking Allowed Dialogues series, Russell Targ: Ninety Years of ESP, Remote Viewing, and Timeless Awareness, go to

To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: UFOs and UAP – Are We Really Alone?, go to

Platonic Surrealism, Part Two: Psychic Symbiosis with Kevin Cann

Platonic Surrealism, Part Two: Psychic Symbiosis with Kevin Cann

Kevin Cann is a contributor to Jeffrey Kripal’s book, How to Think Impossibly. He is a high-functioning, autistic individual. His website is

Here he builds on our previous conversation about Platonic Surrealism and this time explores the question of our ecological relationship with the world of nonhuman entities. He provides examples of how consciousness extends beyond the animal kingdom.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He is also the Grand Prize winner of the 2021 Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding the best evidence for survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death. He serves as Co-Director for Parapsychology Education at the California Institute for Human Science.

(Recorded on January 5, 2025)

For a short video on How to Get the Most From New Thinking Allowed, go to

For a complete, updated list with links to all of our videos, see

Check out the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website at There you will find our incredible, searchable database as well as opportunities to shop and to support our video productions – plus, this is where people can subscribe to our FREE, weekly Newsletter and can download a FREE .pdf copy of our quarterly magazine.

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If you would like to join our team of volunteers, helping to promote the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel on social media, editing and translating videos, creating short video trailers based on our interviews, helping to upgrade our website, or contributing in other ways (we may not even have thought of), please send an email to

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To download and listen to audio versions of the New Thinking Allowed videos, please visit our new podcast at

You can help support our video productions while enjoying a good book. (As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.) To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death? click on

To order New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Russell Targ – Ninety Years of ESP, Remote Viewing, and Timeless Awareness, go to

To order New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: UFOs and UAP – Are We Really Alone?, go to

To order How to Think Impossibly by Jeffrey Kripal (with collaboration from Kevin Cann), go to

InPresence 0260: Retrocognitive Psychokinesis

InPresence 0260: Retrocognitive Psychokinesis

Here Jeffrey Mishlove takes up one of the most controversial and significant topics to have emerged within parapsychology – the possibility that human intention can exert an influence on past events. There is an important catch, however: psychokinesis can only influence past events that have never before been observed. Experiments have shown this to work!

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He was the Grand Prize winner of the 2021 Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding the best evidence for survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death. He is Co-Director of Parapsychology Education at the California Institute for Human Science.

(Recorded on December 23, 2024)

For a short video on How to Get the Most From New Thinking Allowed, go to

Check out our new website for the New Thinking Allowed Foundation at There you will find our incredible, searchable database as well as our new, FREE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE. Also, opportunities to shop and to support our video productions. There, you can also subscribe to our FREE, WEEKLY NEWSLETTER!

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Check out New Thinking Allowed’s AI chatbot. You can create a free account at When you enter the space, you will see that our chatbot is one of several you can interact with. While it is still a work in progress, it has been trained on 1,600 NTA transcripts. It can provide intelligent answers about the contents of our interviews. It’s almost like having a conversation with Jeffrey Mishlove.

To buy a high-quality, printed version of the New Thinking Allowed Magazine, go to To advertise in our magazine, contact

To join the NTA Psi Experience Community on Facebook, see

To download and listen to audio versions of the New Thinking Allowed videos, visit our podcast at

Download and read Jeffrey Mishlove’s Grand Prize essay in the Bigelow Institute competition, Beyond the Brain: The Survival of Human Consciousness After Permanent Bodily Death.

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, helping to promote the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel on social media, editing and translating videos, creating short video trailers based on our interviews, helping to upgrade our website, or contributing in other ways (we may not even have thought of), please send an email to

You can help support our video productions while enjoying a good book. To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death? click on (As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.)

To order the second book in the New Thinking Allowed Dialogues series, Russell Targ: Ninety Years of ESP, Remote Viewing, and Timeless Awareness, go to

To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: UFOs and UAP – Are We Really Alone?, go to

Spontaneous After-Death Communication with Janice Miner Holden

Spontaneous After-Death Communication with Janice Miner Holden

Janice Miner Holden, EdD, is president of the International Association for Near-Death Studies, a near-death experience & transpersonal researcher, and is the editor of the Journal of Near-Death Studies. She has a doctorate in education and is professor emerita of Counseling at the University of North Texas. Her primary research focus has been counseling implications of near-death experiences, after-death communication, and other transpersonal experiences—those that transcend the usual personal limits of space, time, and identity. In this research area she has over 50 refereed journal publications. She is coauthor of Near-Death Experiences While Drowning: Dying Is Not the End of Consciousness! and Theoretical Models of Counseling and Psychotherapy. She is editor of The Self Does Not Die: Verified Paranormal Phenomena from Near-Death Experiences, and coeditor of Connecting Soul, Spirit, Mind, and Body: A Collection of Spiritual and Religious Perspectives and Practices in Counseling, and The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences: Thirty Years of Investigation. Her website is

Jan discusses the phenomenon and research of spontaneous after-death communication (ADC). She describes how they are often unsought and unexpected. ADCs can occur in all states of consciousness, including sleeping. She explains how sensing the presence of deceased loved ones can provide comfort, reassurance, healing, and alter beliefs about the afterlife. The experiences often increase feelings of love, joy, and peace. 

Edited subtitles for this video are available in Russian, Portuguese, Italian, German, French, and Spanish.

New Thinking Allowed CoHost, Emmy Vadnais, OTR/L, is an intuitive healer and health coach based in St. Paul, Minnesota. She is the author of Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance With Relationships, Health, and Spirituality. Her website is

(Recorded on November 21, 2024)

For a short video on How to Get the Most From New Thinking Allowed, go to

Check out our new website for the New Thinking Allowed Foundation at There you will find our incredible, searchable database as well as our new, FREE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE. Also, opportunities to shop and to support our video productions. There, you can also subscribe to our FREE, WEEKLY NEWSLETTER!

For a complete, updated list with links to all of our videos, see

Check out New Thinking Allowed’s AI chatbot. You can create a free account at When you enter the space, you will see that our chatbot is one of several you can interact with. While it is still a work in progress, it has been trained on 1,600 NTA transcripts. It can provide intelligent answers about the contents of our interviews. It’s almost like having a conversation with Jeffrey Mishlove.

To buy a high-quality, printed version of the New Thinking Allowed Magazine, go to

To join the NTA Psi Experience Community on Facebook, see

To download and listen to audio versions of the New Thinking Allowed videos, visit our podcast at

Download and read Jeffrey Mishlove’s Grand Prize essay in the Bigelow Institute competition, Beyond the Brain: The Survival of Human Consciousness After Permanent Bodily Death.

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, helping to promote the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel on social media, editing and translating videos, creating short video trailers based on our interviews, helping to upgrade our website, or contributing in other ways (we may not even have thought of), please send an email to

To order Intuitive Development: How to Trust Your Inner Knowing for Guidance With Relationships, Health, and Spirituality by Emmy Vadnais, click here:

To order Near-Death Experiences While Drowning by Jan Holden, go to

To order The Handbook of Near-Death Experiences: Thirty Years of Investigation, go to 

To order New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death? click on

To order Russell Targ: Ninety Years of ESP, Remote Viewing, and Timeless Awareness, go to

To order UFOs and UAP – Are We Really Alone?, go to

InPresence 0259: A New Science of Heaven

InPresence 0259: A New Science of Heaven

Here Jeffrey Mishlove outlines features of Robert Temple’s 2022 book, A New Science of Heaven – a exploration of the role of plasma in the consciousness of the universe. He discusses Robert Temple’s background as well as their mutual association, although Robert and Jeffrey have never met, with the cosmologist and inventor, Arthur M. Young.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in “parapsychology” ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980). He was the Grand Prize winner of the 2021 Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding the best evidence for survival of human consciousness after permanent bodily death. He is Co-Director of Parapsychology Education at the California Institute for Human Science.

(Recorded on January 16, 2025)

For a short video on How to Get the Most From New Thinking Allowed, go to

Check out our new website for the New Thinking Allowed Foundation at There you will find our incredible, searchable database as well as our new, FREE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE. Also, opportunities to shop and to support our video productions. There, you can also subscribe to our FREE, WEEKLY NEWSLETTER!

For a complete, updated list with links to all of our videos, see

Check out New Thinking Allowed’s AI chatbot. You can create a free account at When you enter the space, you will see that our chatbot is one of several you can interact with. While it is still a work in progress, it has been trained on 1,600 NTA transcripts. It can provide intelligent answers about the contents of our interviews. It’s almost like having a conversation with Jeffrey Mishlove.

To buy a high-quality, printed version of the New Thinking Allowed Magazine, go to To advertise in our magazine, contact

To join the NTA Psi Experience Community on Facebook, see

To download and listen to audio versions of the New Thinking Allowed videos, visit our podcast at

Download and read Jeffrey Mishlove’s Grand Prize essay in the Bigelow Institute competition, Beyond the Brain: The Survival of Human Consciousness After Permanent Bodily Death.

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, helping to promote the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel on social media, editing and translating videos, creating short video trailers based on our interviews, helping to upgrade our website, or contributing in other ways (we may not even have thought of), please send an email to

You can help support our video productions while enjoying a good book. To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death? click on (As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.)

To order the second book in the New Thinking Allowed Dialogues series, Russell Targ: Ninety Years of ESP, Remote Viewing, and Timeless Awareness, go to

To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: UFOs and UAP – Are We Really Alone?, go to

To order A New Science of Heaven by Robert Temple, go to

Bashar & First Contact: Darryl Anka

Bashar &  First Contact: Darryl Anka

How close are we to First Contact? In this conversation Darryl Anka, the channel for Bashar, shares his journey from witnessing UFO sightings to becoming a prominent figure in the field of channeling. He discusses the nature of Bashar as an extraterrestrial consciousness and the connection between spirituality and the UFO phenomena. Darryl emphasizes the importance of collective choice in navigating the current polarization in society and outlines Bashar’s five principles of success that can empower individuals to create a more positive reality. The conversation culminates in a hopeful message about humanity’s potential for evolution and the possibility of open contact with extraterrestrial beings in the near future.

For more information on Darryl Anka and Bashar, go to

New Thinking Allowed Guest Host Christopher Naughton is a former trial attorney and multiple Emmy® Award-winning host of The American Law Journal television program. His website is Naughton is author of “America’s Next Great Awakening: What the Convergence of Mysticism, Religion, Atheism, and Science Means for the Nation. And You.” To order America’s Next Great Awakening by Christopher Naughton, click here: 

To learn more about seminars and classes by Christopher Naughton, subscribe to his newsletter here

Naughton’s co-producer and editor is Valerie Jones,

For a short video on How to Get the Most From New Thinking Allowed, go to

For a complete, updated list with links to all of our videos, see

Check out the New Thinking Allowed Foundation website at There you will find our incredible, searchable database as well as opportunities to shop and to support our video productions – plus, this is where people can subscribe to our FREE, weekly Newsletter and can download a FREE .pdf copy of our quarterly magazine.

To order high-quality, printed copies of our quarterly magazine:

Check out New Thinking Allowed’s AI chatbot. You can create a free account at When you enter the space, you will see that our chatbot is one of several you can interact with. While it is still a work in progress, it has been trained on 1,600 NTA transcripts. It can provide intelligent answers about the contents of our interviews. It’s almost like having a conversation with Jeffrey Mishlove.

If you would like to join our team of volunteers, helping to promote the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel on social media, editing and translating videos, creating short video trailers based on our interviews, helping to upgrade our website, or contributing in other ways (we may not even have thought of), please send an email to

To join the NTA Psi Experience Community on Facebook, see

To download and listen to audio versions of the New Thinking Allowed videos, please visit our new podcast at

Download and read Jeffrey Mishlove’s Grand Prize essay in the Bigelow Institute competition, Beyond the Brain: The Survival of Human Consciousness After Permanent Bodily Death, go to 

To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: Is There Life After Death? click on

To order the second book in the New Thinking Allowed Dialogues series, Russell Targ: Ninety Years of ESP, Remote Viewing, and Timeless Awareness, go to

To order a copy of New Thinking Allowed Dialogues: UFOs and UAP – Are We Really Alone?, go to